Statistics: Don't be one! - Self Defense and Martial Arts in Vancouver & Richmond, BC
As a country with a “reputation” for being laid back and friendly, there are absolutely tons of violent acts against women ,men and teens in Canada. This situation worsens as you travel to many other countries (the ones near and far).
Remember that the survival skills you acquire are applicable when you are on holiday, domestic/international business trips, sports events, distant schools, etc. As ugly as you may think things have gotten with our neighbors to the south, the statistics from our friendly country of Canada alone are shocking. The government doesn’t update every year, but here are some highlights from the Statistics Canada site. You can click on the link below for the full and exact details. •198 women were killed in 2004 with an average of 182 every year! (between 1994 and 2003) •58,486 - the number of women who sought refuge in one of 473 shelters across Canada in just a one year period! •11% - percentage of all Canadian women aged 15 and older who stated that they were stalked in a way that caused them to fear for their safety or the safety of someone close to them. This was the equivalent of 1.4 million women •23% - the percentage of female victims who reported that the most serious form of violence experienced was being beaten, choked, or threatened by having a gun or a knife used against them. •Among solved homicides involving victims aged 15 and older in 2004, one-half of all women were killed by someone with whom they had an intimate relationship at some point, either through marriage or dating. Remember that these do not include the incidents of assault and domestic abuse that were not reported! Link to Stats Canada Site: CLICK HERE |